Discover the Flamengo collection
Flamengo’s collectie biedt luxe, innovatie en topkwaliteit voor jouw wellness en herstel. Geniet van geavanceerde infraroodtherapie, verkwikkende hot-cold behandelingen, en premium massageproducten die jouw lichaam en geest opnieuw in balans brengen
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Flamengo infrared sauna blanket
✓ Detox your body and relax your mind
✓ Relax optimally and reduce stress
✓ Relieves muscle pain and stimulates recovery after exercise
✓ Improve circulation & overall health
✓ Optimize the condition of the skin
✓ Experience the effect as after a sauna visit; from home

Infrared sauna blanket operation
Discover the Flamengo sauna blanket and experience the sauna experience at home. But how does this infrared sauna blanket actually work?
On the page ''how does an infrared sauna blanket work?'' we will give you an answer to this question.
We explain the effect of infrared heat, the benefits, the differences and the method of use of this sauna variant.

Benefits of infrared sauna (blanket)
Discover the many benefits that infrared saunas offer, for both your body and mind.
From improving muscle tone, to promoting detoxification and reducing stress.
Discover the science behind this innovative heat therapy and learn how to get the most out of the infrared sauna (blanket).

Flamengo® Infrapulse Therapy
Meet the Flamengo Infrapulse Therapy, where luxury and innovation meet. Our advanced infrared massage device, focused on shoulders, knees and elbows, offers targeted lighting and recovery. For the conscious user who finds health and quality important, this is the ideal addition to your daily care.

Flamengo® Polarplunge Bath
Experience the powerful benefits of cold therapy with the Flamengo Polarplunge Bath. An ice bath designed for deep recovery and refreshment.
With the optional Polarpure module, both cooling and filters, it offers the ultimate experience in recovery and well -being. Perfect for those who take their health seriously and do not make concessions on quality.

Het verhaal achter Flamengo
Bij Flamengo geloven we in de kracht van herstel, innovatie en luxe wellness. Onze producten zijn ontworpen om je lichaam optimaal te ondersteunen, zodat jij je sterk, energiek en in balans voelt.
Onze reis begon vanuit persoonlijke ervaring:
Cindy – 7 knieoperaties, artrose, maar nog steeds fit en actief.
Joey - van nierpatiënt naar volledig hersteld, vol energie en weer topfit aan het sporten.
Ons doel? Jou ondersteunen om je lichaam het beste te geven, zodat je je beter voelt en meer uit je dag kunt halen.